Services that address the health and wellbeing - physical, behavioral, social, and economic - of parents, families, and caregivers of young children
Under Massachusetts' 2018 Paid Family and Medical Leave Act, parents are entitled to up to 12 weeks of paid, job-protected parental leave if they have job earnings in MA prior to their parental leave. The law does not necessarily cover 100% of compensation. PFML is only an option for employees who have been living and working in Massachusetts for at least the year prior to the birth of their child. Further, weekly benefits can look different if parents were working only part-time which can cause a barrier to accessing resources while taking time off to care for an infant.
Services that are intended to be utilized by all children and/or families
Services for children and/or families that need additional support
TAFDC provides monthly cash assistance to very low-income families with children, helping them pay for necessities such as housing, clothing, and baby supplies. It also provides an annual children’s clothing allowance in September of each year. Families receiving TAFDC are automatically given MassHealth Standard insurance coverage. In addition, the Department of Transitional Assistance supports families receiving TAFDC with employment services, education and training opportunities, and access to free child care.
EAEDC provides monthly cash assistance to children who do not qualify for TAFDC because they are not being raised by a parent or close relative. Children receiving EAEDC are automatically given MassHealth coverage.
Services that are intended to be utilized by all children and/or families
Services for children and/or families that need additional support
BabySteps provides a $50 deposit into a U.Fund College Investing Plan (529) within one year of a child's birth or adoption to help with future education and training expenses. Children must be Massachusetts residents.