A Vision for Early Childhood in Massachusetts:

A comprehensive system that equitably centers families with young children in services and systems that impact them, ensuring that their basic needs are met.

This vision includes:

High-quality, culturally responsive, affordable, and accessible prenatal, postnatal, pediatric, and mental health care.
Resources to understand basic developmental milestones, with screening and referrals widely available and accessible.
Easily- accessed, affordable support for parents and caregivers of young children (e.g., parenting support, home visiting, economic and employment assistance) in a language and medium that works for them, recognizing that the youngest children come with grown-ups attached.
High- quality, culturally responsive, affordable, and geographically accessible child care that meets all families’ needs and desires.
Qualified early childhood professionals who receive competitive, family-sustaining wages and benefits, and have access to career and compensation advancement through multiple pathways.
Significant increases in public and private sector financial commitments which would positively impact the broken system of child care that currently unfairly burdens both families of young children and the early childhood workforce.
Infrastructure - both technological and physical - at the local and state levels that supports families as they navigate early childhood systems and services, creating “no wrong door” for families to use to access what they need for their children.
Publicly available, disaggregated, equitable, current data that is accessible to both policymakers and families and is used to drive and inform decision-making.
A representative seat at policy and regulatory decision-making tables at all levels of government for those most closely impacted by early childhood issues to address system improvement and redesign. 

Get Involved!



Join businesses in supporting high-quality early childhood education with the Massachusetts Business Coalition for Early Childhood Education 



Explore philanthropic opportunities for systems change with the Massachusetts Early Childhood Funder Collaborative

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