Massachusetts Early Childhood Data Snapshots

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36% (700,000) of children ages 0-18 are enrolled in MassHealth.

1% of children under 5 are uninsured.


135,000 children from birth to age five face one or more risk factors each day that could lead to toxic stress, such as physical and emotional abuse and neglect, household substance abuse, and household mental illness.

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Racial Demographics of Early Intervention Participants Born 2017 - 2021

Early Intervention participation generally mirrors that of the general population demographics, with slight overrepresentation of Black and Latinx children.


25.5% of infants and toddlers in Massachusetts live in households with incomes less than twice the federal poverty level.

The State of Babies Yearbook: 2023

Number of Births to Women Receiving Late or No Prenatal Care by Race, 2019 -2021 

In the last decade, the rate of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) nearly doubled in Massachusetts. The rate for Black birthing parents is 2.5 times higher than that of white birthing people. 

(Department of Public Health 2023)

Infant mortality rate in Massachusetts is 3 deaths per 1,000 live births. The rate for Black families is 7 per 1,000, compared to white families at 2 per 1,000.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation


Total number of households in Massachusetts.

39,134 of these are single-parent households with kids under 6 years old

US Census Bureau, 2020

69% of those parents are single mothers

US Census Bureau, 2020

The number of pregnant individuals and families with children in Massachusetts' Emergency Assistance (EA) shelter program has more than doubled since 2020, and is expected to continue to rise. As of October 2023, over 6,700 families are receiving EA shelter.



Massachusetts has the highest cost of infant child care nationwide.

Nearly 40% of families eligible to receive state child care financial assistance are not able to access it.

Ratio of Licensed Childcare Seats to Number of Children Under 5, by ZIP Code

In many areas of the state, the ratio of licensed child care seats to # of children under 5 is less than 1, meaning that there are more children than available seats. This occurs primarily in more urban areas as well as in Western Mass and on the Cape and Islands.

The majority of early education and care professionals in Massachusetts are white. Center Directors are disproportionally white relative to Center Educators and Family Child Care Providers.

UMass Boston (2020)

Racial Demographic Comparison of Early Childhood Educators and Total Employed Population in Massachusetts

3 Times Less. That's the difference in the median hourly wage between early childhood professionals ($14.11) and kindergarten teachers ($43.48).


Pre-pandemic, 1/3 of early childhood educators reported receiving at least one form of government assistance (e.g., housing assistance, MassHealth, SNAP benefits)

UMass Boston


There are 23 Community Action Agencies,

32 Family Resource Centers,

and 81 Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Programs across the state.

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