Out-of-School Time

Education & Care
education & care

Services focused on the social, emotional, and cognitive growth of young children taking place in a setting without their parent or caregiver present.

Out-of-School Time Programming (OST)

Out-of-school-time programming, including summer and before- and after-school, offers a variety of enrichment activities such as painting, swimming, sports, music, and movement to support healthy and holistic child development year-round.

Equity Considerations
Out-of-school-time programming is often critical for parents who work outside of the typical hours of the school day and need longer care hours. It also allows for continued developmental growth and socialization for children. However, families who can’t access these programs due to geography, affordability, transportation, physical accessibility, or other constraints miss out on essential supports.
education & care
Birth - 5 years


Services that are intended to be utilized by all children and/or families

Educators, Program Staff
Community Centers & Organizations, School Districts, Camps
Oversight, Guidance and Regulation
Department of Early Education & Care
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